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Off-Limits Rule: Thursday - Friday without a pre-paid entry. No Off-Limits with a pre-paid entry.

April 12 - Lake Belton - Photos Results Page

Weigh In is at the Pavilion in Temple Park.

Livewell Checks and Take Off in the Pavilion cove.

Please park trailers in the parking lot of the pavilion.  


First Flight - Check In - 3:00 PM

Boat # Angler 1 Angler 2
1 Jim House* Logan Crowe*
2 James Mutters Justin Postell
3 Kyle Troxell Gabby Troxell
4 Jonathan Aston Jimmy Gifford
5 Ronny Maynard Justin May
6 Blake Roberson Chris Garrett
7 Holly Roberson Les Copeland
8 Mason Garrett Travis Garrett
9 Jason Patureau Mark Neuenschwander
10 Jesse Midkiff Robert Snider
11 Robbie Beardmore Mario Gomez
12 Dean Alexander Adrian Sanchez
13 Richard Barnds John Steele
14 Paul Neely Cody Bristow
15 Robert Kessler Bryan Scott
16 Jim Jarrell Trey Jarrell
17 Tim Westall Greg Westall
18 Kelly Hudson Clayton French
19 Bill May Robert Balades
20 Sam Garza Rolando Nandin
21 Robert Miller Tony Mitchell
22 Grant Adams Jacob Crenshaw
23 Ricky Stapleton Audrey Stapleton
24 Tim Spencer Jackie Spencer
25 Andrew Cortez Erik Cortez

Second Flight - Check In - 3:15 PM

Boat # Angler 1 Angler 2