February 7, 2010
Bayou Black
Bayou Black Marina
March 14, 2010
Bayou Segnette
State Park
April 11, 2010
Doiron's Landing
May 16, 2010
Somme's Marina
June 13, 2010
The Basin
Doiron's Landing
July 11, 2010
Bayou Black
Bayou Black Marina
Boundary Limits Are: |
Feburary 7, 2010 @ Bayou Black.
Cannot go North of Highway 90, East of Highway 308, or West of the Atchafalaya River. |
March 14, 2010 @ Bayou Segnette.
Cannot go North of Highway 90 or West of LA 1. |
April 11, 2010 @ Verrett.
Cannot go South of Highway 90 or west of the Atchafalaya levee. |
May 16, 2010 @ DesAllemands.
Cannot go past the Intracoastal Canal, or west of LA 1. |
June 13, 2010 @ The Basin.
If you go south of Highway 90, you cannot go east of the Atchafalaya River. All of The Wax is open. |
July 11, 2010 @ Bayou Black.
Can fish any waters fished in prior 5 tournaments. |
